miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

WWY #3

Sorry, I didn't have the chance to play before...
Here's my "geek where were you"

1) ...When Microsoft released MS Vista and Office 2007 (30/Jan/2007):
Preparing myself for the yearly General Business Meeting at the company at the Club Med Rio das Pedras, followed by a couple of days off.
I was in charge of the organization and planning of the event for 60 people, which was no piece of cake, though I got to travel a lot.

2) ...When Nintendo 64 is released in Europe (01/Mar/1997):
Starting my last year at Colegio Mallinckrodt high-school in Martínez, BsAs

3) ...When the construction of the Channel Tunnel (aka Euro Tunnel) began (01/Dec/1987):
I was 7 and probably waiting for Christmas to come... (see my Christmas post for more info)

4 comentarios:

Gabriel dijo...

Mallinkrodt? That's where my wife went (from Kindergarten until 5th year)!!!

And that's where my mother-in-law taught as well (tuviste a una Noemi Pozo entre tus maestras?)

Once again, thanks for playing!

Paola Bianchi dijo...

What a coincidence!!
I didn't get the chance to meet your mother-in-law. Perhaps she teaches in elementary and I only went there in high-school
I even got married there!, in the little chapel they have.

Ricky dijo...

Aguante este juego nomas !
Aqui van mis respuestas en ingles :
1) ...When Microsoft released MS Vista and Office 2007 (30/Jan/2007):
Ja,ja,ja, interesante. Enterandome que Varig me cancelaba las millas porque rompia su alianza con Air Canada y tanto mi esposa como yo teniamos lo suficiente para un pasaje gratis cada uno. Me entere un el 29 y tenia que emitirlo en Bs As antes del 31.

2) ...When Nintendo 64 is released in Europe (01/Mar/1997):
Estaba programando mi viaje al Vaticano que casualmente coincidio con la misa pascual. Vi al Papa por 3ra y ultima vez. Estaba enfermo pero salio a saludar. Un master !

3) ...When the construction of the Channel Tunnel (aka Euro Tunnel) began (01/Dec/1987):
Estaria jugando con la Commodore 64al Winter Games o a un jueguito de hockey que despues de algunos fouls, paraban y se golpeaban. En ese momento, que vivia en Argentina, no entendia por que se pegaban. Ahora, que vivo en Canada, tampoco.

Bueno, disculpen si no entienden mi ingles. Si necesitan traduccion me avisan.

Kind regards,

Paola Bianchi dijo...

Pará, pará que te pongo el traductor en línea así te leo... ajajajajaja

Muchas gracias por jugar!!